Project Management & Consultancy

Mar-Sol , with experienced engineering staff, presents services to manage the whole or a part of a ship building project in a most efficient way in terms of time, resources and cost while at the same time keeping the information and documents produced during the project updated and rapidly accessible. Mar-Sol uses project management approach and methodologies especially customized for ship building projects. In this context a strong infrastructure that includes work breakdown structure, organizational breakdown structure, sub-project processes, project tasks, parameters such as time, resources, document, metadata, et. that are related to tasks is constructed.

Consultants to perform duties in scope of the work; feasibility studies, preparation of Request for Quotation forms (RFQ), evaluating RFQ responses, determining the makers, definition of system concept and scope of supply, identification of technical requirements and specifications, drawing the project contracts (Technical Specifications for suppliers, and sub-contractors etc.), contract negotiations, determining and reviewing system requirements, coordination with design and production team, consultancy for basic design and detail design, review of drawings and 3D models, consultancy for maintenance activities, assessment of quality activities, evaluation and participation to test and trials, verification/validation, evaluation of testability, reviewing the technical documentation, remark handling and making reports to the Customers.

Feasibility Studies

Mar-Sol is capable to provide consultancy services in terms of feasibility analysis for people or companies that are either active in Shipping sector or want to enter into the market. On the technical part of the feasibility analysis there are issues such as the capacity, dimensions, compartmentalization, classification notation, flag of the ship that will be built, the ports or special areas (lakes, channels) where the ship must sail, relevant rules and regulations from International Maritime Organization (IMO), related classification society or flag, selection of material and equipment and cargoes that the ship is allowed to carry. On the other part selection of builder Shipyard, trend of the freight fees, expenses related to gross tonnage and number crew, potential for resale are also considered as financial parameters. Mar-Sol approaches to shipbuilding projects in a wide perspective and directs its customers towards to most efficient and effective investment.

Basic design consultancy

  • Support/Manage the Class and national authorities approval process
  • Review the design and engineering deliverables on compliance
  • Manage dispensations and equivalents to rules and regulations
  • Discuss, clarify and secure un-clarities and interpretations before detail design phase
  • Ensure that all engineering partners work according to the relevant specifications
  • Control new designs, and perform feasibility studies in the pre-design phase to determine potential risks
  • Maintain relationship with Class and authorities and with all engineering partners

Detail design consultancy

  • Design team/Modellers can follow up Ship Inventory list during 3D model phase, then 3D modelled will be reviewed accordingly
  • All of the armatures and valves will be listed as per final drawings
  • Shipyard Alarms will be listed as per final drawings
  • The list includes, Tank Alarms, Bilge Alarms, the other alarms coming from pipe systems (Basically, the alarms other than systems which will be implemented into IO list)
  • Designers and production team will have all details for the aramtures at early stage
  • Supervise team members, consisting of outsourced engineers
  • Manage engineering in different phases
  • Responsible for managing the integration of purchased packages / systems and equipment
  • Discuss, clarify and secure un-clarities and interpretations before release production
  • Manage the client approval process
  • Monitor on quality, progress and costs
  • Assess input from the contractors, from suppliers and partners
  • Preparation of status reports
  • Organize document control and configuration control, organize review moments
  • Review the production drawings

Review the design and engineering – Comments to system drawings purposes

  • Create a document management system
  • Determine the needs of Class and Authorities for approval
  • Prepare the required documents list – DocReq List
  • Determine the structure of the DecReq Lists
    • Stability calculations
    • Strength calculations
    • Hull Structure
    • Machinery
    • Deck Outfitting
    • Interior
  • Improve the readability of the information for the systems

Electrosystem design consultancy
NavCom design consultancy
Participation to FAT HAT SAT and external technical support

  • Review (or Preparation) of Inspection and Testing Plan
  • Plan and follow up inspection Schedule
  • Coordinate with suppliers and 3rd Parties
  • Attending as the Owner representative for the relevant inspections/tests
  • Inspect/witness points based on classification society rules
  • Follow Up (or Preparation) Inspection/Test records
  • Report for remarks which subjected to inspection at later stage
  • Carry out patrolling inspection anytime
  • Carry out/Witness repair work
  • Finishing checks
  • Maintenance Inspection
  • Witness dry docking and major repairs


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